Hi, John here. If you’re looking online for a solution
to power your home for free…
I’m happy you’ve found my website.
The results of my recent research
will likely save you money and a lot of frustration.
If you’re not one of my regular subscribers, let me tell you a little about myself
and then you will see for yourself why you should consider trying a
Free Energy Magnetic Generator to produce ALL of your Home Energy.
About Me
I’m an Electrical Engineer, and for the past 30 years
I have installed and supervised large-scale industrial electric systems.
For the past 12 years, I’ve been working on Renewable Energy Systems.
I work for some of largest corporations that build electric power plants,
most of them in the field of solar and wind energy, and some in the early stage,
ground breaking free energy technologies.
New! – Video Testimonial
Here is the BIG Problem
Many people are looking for a free energy generator to power their homes.
While searching online, they get confused by the amount of information and offerings available.
The big problem is knowing which one you can really trust.
The average person doesn’t have the time, energy, or expertise to test these solutions.
So a few months ago I decided to strip down 25 of the most popular
‘home energy systems’ solutions in the market to see which ones actually work!

Here’s What Happened
The truth was, many of these programs did not meet basic criteria and a few were just bad copies of each other.
To understand how bad some of them were, I reviewed one called the Willis Generator on this website’s Blog section.
Out of the 25 I looked into, I identified 7 programs that I believed could actually work.
Two solutions, in particular, contained feasible ways of powering your home with sufficient energy, and surprisingly, both of them implement similar free energy magnetic generator technology to do so.
These two solutions: ‘Easy Power Plan’ and the ‘Magnets 4 Energy’ worked SO well that I managed to pull together enough electricity that could easily supply all the power needed for an average house.
I must admit here that the results exceeded my expectations!
Here’s an Overview of Both Products
*and please pay attention to my conclusion at the end.
Easy Power Plan
Let’s begin with the new and exciting ‘Easy Power Plan‘ which reveals how the author made a free energy generator using somewhat creative methods.
After watching the presentation, it was immediately apparent that this program was genuine. An average person willing to invest the time could actually build this magnetic generator.
I had actually heard good things about the ‘Easy Power Plan’ already, and when I arrived at the product delivery page, I realized why. Their techniques are valid, and the ideas do work. I know this because I’ve been using some of them for years.
They supply you with detailed diagrams that you need to follow to build the Magnetic Generator. Each one contains logical and straightforward instructions laid out in a simple step-by-step way.
Although I cannot reveal all the information here, I can tell you that it works! My results, however, were not quite what was claimed in the book – in fact, they were about 85% of what was predicted.
That said, after 3 days of work on the magnetic generator, I managed to build a medium-scale generator that produced an outstanding amount of electricity. By scaling it, you can actually get all the power needed for an average house.
This eBook is on sale right now, so I hope you’re in time to get your copy. This book contains great information that you can put into effect immediately to save on your energy bills. Plus, you even get information about where you can purchase the materials for building the magnetic generator online cheaply.
Overall the ‘Easy Power Plan‘ is a great product. It’s the best out of the 7 products I tested and I recommend it.
Here’s the link where you can further check it out, and you can see my conclusions below.
Magnets 4 Energy
Please Note: Many people reported back to me, that it is hard to reach the website, and many times it is down and broken.
When I first saw the Magnets4Energy Generator web site, I thought to myself, “Here we go. Yet another DIY Guru promising unrealistic results.” Usually I avoid this kind of thing and never look back.
But because the point of my research was to find the best ‘free home energy’ programs on the net (that an average person can build), I went ahead and downloaded it.
The training program looked great, and I also got detailed diagrams for each step of the work. I also verified that the information about where to look for the materials for building the magnetic generator is correct.
I know that an average person will have no clue where to get the materials cheaply enough without breaking his savings account, so this information is crucial to get you started as quickly as possible.
I immediately started to build the magnetic generator using the instructions. The first thing that became apparent to me is that the magnets’ placement is totally different from what I would expect it to be.
I went on, and against any logic, I just followed the instructions. After all, the point was to test it as an average person would do.
The Results?
Not great. The magnet generator’s medium-scale that I built produced 50% less than the Easy Power Plan Generator.
I did not want to give up on this experiment, so I went ahead and changed the magnet placement on the magnetic generator based on my knowledge.
This time, it worked like a charm, and energy production rose.
The Magnets 4 Energy does work, but you should read my conclusion below before deciding to implement it in your home.
The Conclusion:
After some deliberation, my conclusion is this:
Easy Power Plan Generator is a better choice for producing electricity for your home.
Don’t get me wrong; the Magnets 4 Energy Generator DOES work. Still, I can only recommend it if you plan to build this magnetic generator with the help of a certified electrician who can easily spot the magnet placement mistake.
If so, then go ahead and try the Easy Power Plan Magnetic Generator.
So that’s it. If you want to save thousands of bucks on your electricity bill, and start within the next few days, go ahead and…